seesaw message 18-03-21
Dear Parents
Just a few additional notes in response to a couple of queries.
*It's school uniform as normal next week and, should the weather allow, feel free to send your child in summer uniform but there is absolutely no need to replace school shoes at this late stage. Trainers will be fine for the summer term.
* Any uncompleted work or work that the children found particularly challenging should be returned to school next week. Other completed work may be retained at home for reference by the children.
* Healthy break guidelines will be relaxed next week so pupils are free to bring a few wee treats to ease the transition back into the routine.
*Our intention is to enjoy a few days enjoying being back in school prior to the break so please make sure your child has a coat and appropriate footwear each day as we plan to be outside daily if we can. Check seesaw(!) for any requests for wellies etc.
Many thanks on behalf of all the staff for all your hard work supporting your children throughout the remote learning period -just tomorrow and you are done! B Gray