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Hazelbank Primary School, Broughshane


2023/2024 School Year

11th Oct 2023
On Monday morning, Primary 1 found a letter in the classroom addressed to them from...
9th Oct 2023
Meet our new house captains for term 1. Congratulations on being elected to represent...
4th Oct 2023
On Monday, Miss Montgomery read us the story of Jack and the beanstalk. We have had...
26th Sep 2023
🦴 This week, our learning focus is bones! 🦴Have a look at all the exciting...
26th Sep 2023
We had fun learning about our family members and different body parts recently. Take...
26th Sep 2023
Eve McMullan from Scripture Union came to take an R.E lesson in Primary 1 & Primary...
25th Sep 2023
After listening to “The Elves and the Shoemaker” story, Primary 1 had...
21st Sep 2023
P6 have been enjoying their World Around Us topic learning all about the great outdoors...