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Hazelbank Primary School, Broughshane


2023/2024 School Year

26th Oct 2023
The evening just wasn’t long enough! 😁 We hope that you enjoy seeing some...
26th Oct 2023
Primary 1-3 had a great time at the Harvest Hooley…hopefully these photos...
25th Oct 2023
You will have noticed a very beautiful bespoke bench in the foyer. Hazelbank Primary...
25th Oct 2023
We hope that you enjoyed our Harvest assembly. Here are some photos and videos from...
24th Oct 2023
A little snippet of play based learning in Primary 2!
24th Oct 2023
We had fun learning about our bones ðŸĶī and senses 👀 👂 👃 👄 🖐 as part...
24th Oct 2023
Primary 1,2 and 3 have enjoyed getting to know our P7 buddies. The buddies come along...
23rd Oct 2023
When P1 arrived at school this morning, they soon realised that someone had broken...
18th Oct 2023
Primary 6 have been enjoying the great outdoors during our World Around Us topic....
13th Oct 2023
P1-3 parents are invited to come along.